This website seeks to encourage researchers and collectors to discover and study obscure ephemera that document American culture and life.  Worldcat reveals that most of the items that I post cannot be found in more than a few research libraries–often none at all.  Alternately, research libraries do not bother to catalog ephemeral publications like these.  I believe, however, that because these were distributed free, or at nominal cost, to consumers, they were the publications most likely to make their way into homes and be read by large numbers of Americans.

I acquire pre-1960 examples of the kinds of publications that prove so useful when scholars study 19th-Century America.  The limited competition that I encounter for them suggests that libraries, which could easily outbid me, have little interest in post-Civil War and 20th-century ephemeral publications in general.

I try to anticipate what materials future historians will find useful.  Being an historian first and a collector second, I organized this website to encourage others to do this too—even if this means new competition for me. I am aware that I could be wrong in prizing particular ephemera or even whole classes of ephemera.  I may even be wrong to encourage scholars to study obscure ephemeral publications; these may be obscure for good reason. will permit me to share with others the information and imagery that I am acquiring, and to benefit from the knowledge, intelligence and experience of other scholars and collectors.  Please contact me with your impressions of the site.

~ Saul Zalesch

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Midget Town, New York World’s Fair 1939

Booklet, gallery


Why It's Interesting

Morris Gest’s Midget Town was a favored entertainment attraction of the great world’s fair held in New York in 1939 and 1940.  It was the latest manifestation of shows starring little persons.  The chief impresario of these was one Ike Rose, who had died in 1935.  In the late ’30s his wife [her first name is not given] managed the show.  It had begun with Rose’s Royal Midgets in 1922.  They performed various routines for years, including a glitzy tribute to Lindbergh in 1929.  I have 2 booklets about Rose’s revues.  These preserve rare photos of acts, such as “Jean Palfi’s Famous Miniature Military Band,” “Roses 25 midgets 1928,” and pictures of the troupe headliners.

The booklets seemed to feel the need to stress that “Midgets are little people.”  One page in one of the booklets asserts this as its headline, but then cites as its only authority for this “insight” C.J.S. Thompson, The Mystery and Lore of Monsters.  The booklets also assert that only one person in a million is a little person.  This seems unlikely because the statistic today is around 1 in 3000 people.

Midget Town, New York World’s Fair 1939 Midget Town, New York World’s Fair 1939